Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The first few weeks of teaching

I have fallen in love once again. Not with a person, but with another aspect of life--teaching yoga. In particular, teaching Forrest yoga.

These first few weeks of working with two very beautiful students has been nothing short of extraordinary. I have been learning exponentially every time I sit down on the mat and guide my student's breath through her body.  I am learning more about myself and my students are helping me see things and feel things that I would never experience had I not decided to take this path.

I know I make a hundred mistakes in what I say and that my cues are slowly improving, but I am discovering that it is not what I say but how I say what I say and how I hold the space that is important. The intensity of Forrest yoga has brought my students into places where already tears have wet the mat, lions have roared through my apartment, and brahmeri has created a tremelo effect through the still air.

I have watched their hearts respond to the energy that I feed through their backs in such poses as frog-belly down, side bend, dolphin and many more. Their necks have slowly started to get used to the "relax the neck" cue, and little by little I notice them connecting to their feet and core. In two weeks--two classes each--I have already noticed subtle changes in their energy. And there is nothing more rewarding than to watch their spirit dance in the body during Savasana.

Then there are the blessings of things shared in confidence. I cannot write them here, but I will simply say that courage is one of the most beautiful things that I have witnessed so far. And I feel so blessed to learn from these remarkable women.

I remind myself now and after every class: I am merely a vessel to guide healing and exploration. I am merely offering a tool so that the rest the body and spirit can work together and align.


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