Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yoga and Cupcakes

I have remarkable students. I don't have many yet, but I have remarkable students. 
All of them are treasure chests of creativity, and what they do in their lives inspires me.

One example of how remarkable my students are is the fact that cupcakes have entered into our yoga ceremony. On Tuesday night, I was brought one of the most decadent cupcakes. I thought Savasana was a treat, but this cupcake was the cherry on top. 

Two weeks earlier I was delivered delicious olives, a bottle of wine, and a homemade yoga mat bag for my birthday. I was astonished by the gesture and what made things even more awe-some was the fact that me and my two students sat around after class and gobbled up the olives and shared some gab.

What this simple gesture made me realize was that as I begin to give my energy I am also receiving surprising treats. 

We've decided that this summer asana practice will be followed by bbq and evening swims in the outdoor pool at my apartment. I like this. I like sharing in the deliciousness of life. 

The creativity and inspiration that I have received from my students has been planting the seeds of my business. I'm actually quite close to stumbling upon a name. The curtain will reveal this brainchild soon enough, but for now I delight in the sound of deep ujayi breath and the delicious chocolate that sometimes follows meditation. 

Sugar and spice my spirit is in delight.

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