Tuesday, April 27, 2010

There's no time when it comes to teaching

I experience a time warp when I walk into yoga ceremony. It is like all the molecules in space slow down and every moment becomes this fascinating world of energy. Yes, that probably sounds a bit crazy, but seriously that's what teaching is like for me. I literally feel like all the cells of my body say "Excuse me, but for the next...well for however long it takes, your clock is not going to work. And you my dear are going to be part of the cosmos--working under the regulations of the cosmos and not a man made invention of speed  or time." Again, probably sounds a bit crazy, but hey, I like crazy.

I have always known to be able to tell time even without a watch. In fact I don't like watches and don't wear one--mainly because, like rings, it feels like my hands or fingers are disconnecting from my arms. Yes, that sounds strange too. Actually just recently, during a 5 hour teacher's circle with Ana Forrest, I was wearing a ring and at one point I was like, "I feel like my finger is dying." I took off the ring and my whole arm relaxed. Strange, right? I'm particular. I actually started wearing a ring just to try and get used to the feeling of it--in case I ever given a ring of significant importance. I've decided that I can only wear rings with rocks on them that match up energetically with where I'm at. Again, weirdo, but truth. I'm a highly sensitive energetic being.

So back to time. Time warp. I had a serious time warp tonight with my student. It was one of the most intense and exhilerating experiences of my life. I can't remember most of it because the experience is one that is not supposed to be shared--it was a ceremony for a specific issue in my student's life and I could not have imagined what transpired. Especially in regards to time. 3 HOURS! 1 and a half hours multiplied by 2. Talk about time warp. And here I am typing away more energized than I was before I started.

Most of the time the energy circuits that turn on in me light me up like a triple shot of espresso, but sometimes it's the complete opposite.

Feeling the time warp and the engrossing elements of teaching in firsthand experience, gives me an incredible insight on why some of my classes in school were so freaking amazing and made me want to stay up all night to create a kick ass project. Teaching requires presence in every sense of the word. You become the clock. You hold space and time in your hands and can take your students into a world of imagination or a world of their internal cosmos.

I get it. I get why the best teachers are the hardest teachers and require so much of your time to often times connect with the lesson or the learning. I get it. There is not time when it comes to learning and to teaching. It doesn't operate on a "in a month you'll know how to remember all the French words that begin with A". It operates on its own realm. On the internal clock. On an energetic clock.

I freaking love teaching, and tonight, again, I felt every cell in my body come alive and was like "Man, now what? Will it always be like this? Is this what I've been missing in my life?" When we wake up to something we love, it's really scary. It's really exciting. And it is inevitably changing my life and actually waking me up to my life.

The human body is amazing to work with, the energy receptors, connectors, and how it all works in balance is way more exciting to read and experience as a story then any tv show I've ever worked with.

Blessings to all,

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